Mar 29, 2018

Attraction Distraction

Four lines. Three turn into congruent isosceles triangles, their sides larger than the base. The fourth turns into a square.
The first triangle turns green, the second purple, and the third yellow. The square turns blue.
A big red circle appears and attracts the three triangles. They stick to it. In their distraction, three little white circles, camouflaged with the paper, steal the blue square, their priceless possession. They finally notice after the circle turned pink, then light green. They press onto the circle, compressing it into a small circle, and they start to throw it. Eventually, it grows back. The fight begins.
The circle breaks in four sectors, three of them each going towards a triangle, while the fourth is drawing something. The green triangle detaches its top section and from its inside comes out a missile, heading towards the attacking sector. It dodges it but the missile reaches the sector attacking the yellow triangle, breaking it into shards. The yellow triangle puts the shards inside it after removing its top and forms a sword, heading for the sector attacking the purple triangle. It gets split in half, and the newly forms sectors stick to the sector attacking the green triangle, as if they were arms. The triangles successfully dodge some attacks before the yellow triangle manages to cut the main body in two. It then doesn't hesitate to cut it into shards.
The fourth sector has been drawing a big square, and inside appear the three white sector with the blue square. The yellow triangle quickly breaks the last sector and breaks the big square for the others to come in and ambush. They manage to catch two circles and the last is broken by the yellow triangle. The other triangles throw the white circles. The triangles and the square leave to sit , eternally, in peace, on the paper.

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